Vistriai kinsey scale test results
Vistriai kinsey scale test results

She later founded the Sex Information and Educational Council of the United States. Working with the Kinsey team was Mary Calderone, medical director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America from 1953 to 1964. His co-author Wardell Pomeroy, a prominent sexologist has written that the Kinsey research uncovered, “many beautiful and satisfying relationships between fathers and daughters.” Pomeroy also in his sex-education book “Boys and Sex” refers to the possibility of “loving sexual relationships between children and animals”. He felt the main problem with adult-child sexual relations was hysteria and over-reaction on the part of parents and authorities. (Kinsey) provided the “scientific” basis for (pedophilia). It has also influenced the laws against sexual molestation. The theory of childhood sexuality advanced by Alfred Kinsey’s sex researchers has shaped how and when sex education is taught in the United States. And the only way I can convince them of the truth of this is to go to the library, pull off the shelf of Alfred Kinsey’s books and show them what is inside. It is absolutely astonishing that this is taken as the basis of what we understand to be normal childhood sexual development.Īnd when I try to explain this to colleagues in the type of science I’m involved with in what I call the harder sciences of biology or medicine, statistics, immunology, they do not believe what I’m trying to tell them. The understanding that we have of childhood sexuality and normal childhood sexual development as it is believed and taught in academia today comes from the experimental evidence documented in Kinsey’s report published in 1948 with the childhood sexuality tables that we have just discussed. How Alfred Kinsey’s child studies continue to Shape American Society and Culture Therefore we are talking about criminal behavior, the criminal sexual abuse of children. Trueman says, If these experiments took place, they involved acts to which no child could provide consent and for which no parent or guardian could provide consent on behalf of the child. Pat Trueman is a former US Attorney for the US Justice Department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Unit. How did they (Kinsey and his staff) get the record of 26 orgasms in 24 hours for a 4 year old? -Dr Judith Reisman The illegality of Kinsey’s child research These kids were aged from 2 months to 15 years. The legend beneath the table (34) says, ‘timed with a second hand or stopwatch’ĭr Judith Reisman documented the abuse of more than 300 infants and children in the production of Alfred Kinsey’s research. Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Male 1, 1948, offers proof of the systematic child abuse in Dr. There is evidence to suggest that Kinsey’s scientific research into child sexuality was actually molestation. What is less well known is his use of known pedophiles in his experiments with children. How Alfred Kinsey’s child studies continue to Shape American Society and CultureĪlfred Kinsey was a zoologist, most famous for his sex research in the 1940’s.The illegality of Kinsey’s child research.I guess variety makes things more interesting.The theory of childhood sexuality advanced by Alfred Kinsey’s sex researchers has shaped how and when sex education is taught in the United States. Ok, probably the reason why I'm not pedophilic/hebephilic when it comes to males is because I like adult male features (I'm not even into twinks), so I guess that's why, whereas I like young teen girls. In non-paraphilic sex, I like both men and women, but I still have a preference for women. I like early pubescent girls only, I don't like male kids or young teens. I find male corpses attractive too, although I still prefer women. What's your score (if you don't mind sharing), and is your sexuality always coherent when it comes to paraphilias? (this is for non exclusives only).įor example, I find it hard to picture myself being masochist and submissive during sex with a man, but I'd be perfectly okay with being submissive and masochist during sex with a woman. I identify with number 2 now (after realizing, and coming out as bi). I thought I was 1 before knowing I'm bisexual and identifying as bisexual, still, I have an evident preference for women. Do you know about the Kinsey scale used to "measure" sexuality?

Vistriai kinsey scale test results